Monday, July 27, 2015

Best Utensils in Mussorie

Utensils in India is a heart of cooking meals. Tweet into any kitchen, you will find array of utensils collections that used to prepare various dishes. In India, utensils are not only used for preparing a food, we used in gifting solutions for Indian marriages- it is one way to help set up their home. Kumar and Sons is one of the best utensils in Mussorie. We bring to light how utensils have grown over the years not forgetting their traditional principles.

Kumar and Sons Hotelware offering:

Kadai: This is the basic utensil in almost every Indian recipe. We used Kadai for frying, preparing curries. The fancy and modern look Kadai is with copper at the bottom are good for warming and serving.

Pressure Cooker: This is essential piece of cookware required to preparing a food. You need pressure cooker for boiling lenitive, meat and vegetables. Rice dishes also cook faster in a pressure cooker.

Tawa or Skillet: Tawa is used for roasting spices, chapattis and also fried bread like dosas are cooked in tawas. Our traditional Indian tawas are made of cast iron.

More information visit: Kumar and Sons Hotelware

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